lol中单露露为什么强?比赛和主播用的都非常多,jy的视频里也说露露真的很强,求大神具体说说,lol玩中单厉害的主播是谁 lol中单谁最厉害



加被动5个技能全有AP加成 被动帮助不到消耗,Q基础伤害高并且减速达到百分之80的软控制,W给友方 加速(追击敌人,帮助撤退,切入战场比如诺手小短腿跑进去。让自己快速上线吃经验或支援) 给敌人大团的时候直接废掉1个敌人万精油技能 E 友方家护盾持续6S 保护队友加持自己的被动 并且到后期满CD 是6s 不间断放 给敌人配合Q 直接1个爆发消耗敌人百分比命中(你说功能全部全面) R 技能我觉得最实用 大团的时候 给人群中的队友 1个全体击飞再来个减速恶心到爆。可以说这英雄 小爆发有 伤害虽然和其他AP比不足 但是她的保护能力和配合队友的万金油能力 是最强的 。光这些根本说不完。还有自己会玩的适合的才是最强的 这个英雄不适合喜欢杀人奈不住寂寞的人 就这样吧。

lol玩中单厉害的主播是谁 lol中单谁最厉害

2、lol玩中单厉害的主播是谁 lol中单谁最厉害

隔壁老王在全民直播,55开斗鱼,若风熊猫 骚男虎牙。



Sensitive Subject Matter (Album Version) - Bonnie McKee I told you I would be there for you A promise I intend to keep But the subject matter here is a little too close to home And now I can't take back what I gave All the times we've seen All the states we've been in You always saved me from my troubled self it seemed But now I'm hearing all these words you say And I'm not sure if I can stay And listen to you melting all my dreams Baby its you that kept my feet on the ground Thought that I could choose if I always wanted you around Darling I do Think we need time apart I still need time to mend my broken seams I told you I would listen to you So I'm all ears But don't ask me to respond Your pleased from my advice Cause now I'm too burdened to speak Baby it's you that kept my feet on the ground Thought that I could choose if I always wanted you around Darling I do Think we need time apart I think the time has come for me to go Oh, I cant be by myself But there is no one else And well it hurts know else takes your years But I can not forget how hard I cried When I discovered you had lied When you said I could never hurt like this Baby it's you that kept my feet on the ground Thought that I could choose if I always wanted you around Darling it's hard to think that we need time apart And I think the time has come for me to go Cause I'm weary I'm so weary I told you I'd be there I'm broken I'm so broken But I'm here It's painful It's so painful I'd told you I'd believe But these are secrets I can not afford to hear These are secrets I can not afford to hear。




lol那个主播是打白银黄金段位的中单 我是白银 玩中路 那些最强王者局的太不靠谱了

5、lol那个主播是打白银黄金段位的中单 我是白银 玩中路 那些最强王者局的太不靠谱了




PDD,董小枫 都是有名的主播(都是玩上单的)。
